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The Power Of Summer Camps

If you have been at church these past couple of weekends, you’ve heard us talk about our upcoming Summer Camps. We are looking forward to RV Kids Day Camp, RV Kids Overnight Camp, and RV Students Generate Camp.
All of these camps are purposefully organized because they provide a very focused week with the Lord. I can speak to my own benefit from growing up in church and having camps like these to mature my relationship with Jesus. But I want you to hear from one of our very own River Valley graduates, who had the great experience of River Valley Summer Camps:
"Church camps are the most beneficial way to invest in your child’s walk of faith. Not only do students get to have a ton of fun, but they build lifelong relationships. I still talk to students I met at camps eight years ago. These relationships were critical to the foundation of my faith because they gave me the hope that I wasn't the only 'Christian' student my age. 
Some of my most valued friendships have stemmed from summer camps. In addition, the sermons from these church camps always provide students with that 'click' that allows them to understand the magnitude of Christ's love. I may not remember each sermon preached to me from summer camps, but I do remember all of the speakers that came and seemingly spoke directly to me. To this day, I often refer to previous sermons, some from years ago, because I remember the indescribable moment when it clicked for me. 
As much as I love all of the memories and relationships I have from these summers, the most important thing that has happened to me from church camps is my passion for my career. One sermon from a church camp I attended four years ago just now clicked six months ago. Let me repeat that; I realized my purpose and passion for life from something I heard years ago. THAT IS THE POWER OF CAMP! 
We have some excellent staff at River Valley, but we all know that students go through a defiant stage where they don't want to hear anything from the same people that preach to them week after week. Camp allows students to listen to the gospel from a new perspective while discussing the material with peers. Overall, summer camp is the best way to spur your student in the proper direction. I guarantee they will come back fired up for the fame of Jesus."
How encouraging is this note from one of our young ladies? Her story is one of so many that I could tell you from kids and students that have been involved with our camps. If you haven’t registered yet, please do so at This will be a great experience for your child and also lead to some great discussions when they return home from camp!