Join us sundays at 8:15AM, 9:45AM, & 11:11AM

IF:Gathering Women's Conference

IF Women Conference

Women of River Valley,

We have a brand new conference for YOU, coming March 22-23!

You may be wondering what IF stands for? IF was inspired by the question: “IF God is real…then what?” If God is who He says He is, then what does that mean for my life? If the Bible is true, then how should I apply it to my life? If Jesus really did save me from my sins, then what does abundant life really look like?

IF:Gathering is not only an event, but a discipleship ministry focused on putting Biblical tools and resources in the hands of women in the church.

River Valley is honored to host a local version of the IF:Gathering Conference. And this isn’t just a conference for River Valley ladies. This is a conference for you to invite other women in the community. Share this information with your neighbor, co-worker, friend, etc. and encourage them to come sit with you.

The cost is $55/person and includes the streaming conference teachings, Saturday lunch, snacks, & surprises. We will have live worship and a great time of connecting with other women.

You can find more conference details, a tentative schedule, and most importantly REGISTER at